Descomposición de macrófltos en bañados de la planicie inundable del río Paraná


  • Idalia Y. Bruquetas de Zozay Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral (CECOAL)
  • Alicia Poi de Neiff Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de Nordeste)


This paper deais with foliar decomposition of three macrophytes species from Paraná river non forested wetlands (27°27'S-58°57'W). Loss of both dry weight and nutríent was measured using litter contalners submerged near the sediments. Decomposition rates (k) for Typha latifolia, Thalla multiflora and Paspalum repans were 0,0051; 0,0055 and 0,0092 ct1 respectively. After 170 days, 7 to 8% of the nitrogen initial mass disappearedwhile the percentage loss for the other nutrients were minor than 2%.The abundance of invertebrates per g remaining was approximatety the same from the different plants. Nevertheless, between 30 and 96 days the greatest number of individuáis was recorder in the P. repens litter. In this time, collectors (filterers and gatherars) accounted more than 46% of the macroinvertebrates fbund in the litter containers. 




Cómo citar

Bruquetas de Zozay, I. Y., & Poi de Neiff, A. (2023). Descomposición de macrófltos en bañados de la planicie inundable del río Paraná. Ambiente Subtropical, (3), 1–17. Recuperado a partir de


