Zooplancton en cuerpos de agua isleños del Bajo Paraná


  • Santa M. Frutos Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral


Zooplankton of three island shaBow lakes located in the Paraná River (58*45"W to 27*2"SS) were studied during 1978-1980 períod, employing samples collected mainly at high and low water periods. During low water phase, density of zooplankton in two watertbodies were very low, where Cladocerans and Calanoids Copepods were observed. During the high water phase, the islands ponds can be distinguished by differents conection with Paraná River. Abundance and
diversity were variable. Relationship between abundance pattems and hydraulic residence time of ponds during inundation by Paraná River were discuted. Zooplankton community during high water phase were dominant by Keratella (K. americana, K. cochlearis), Polyarthra sp. and each case by
Conochilus (Ó. Nppocrepis.C. unkomis, C. natans). Density (Anova test) was not significative comparing contrastad hydrological phases. Diversity (Anova test) was very significative in the same case. Diversity (Rotifera, Monogononta) was
very variable (1.00 to 1.96 in isolation phase and 0.30 to 4.06 during high water phase). Similarity of zooplankton ponds were high at the inundation periods.




Cómo citar

Frutos, S. M. (2023). Zooplancton en cuerpos de agua isleños del Bajo Paraná. Ambiente Subtropical, (3), 87–121. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unne.edu.ar/index.php/sub/article/view/7087


