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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • Se proporcionarán Nombre y Apellido, email, filiación y ORCID del autor o los autores
    COAUTORÍA: el autor de correspondencia se compromete a notificar del envío y mantener informados a los coautores en todo el proceso editorial.

Author Guidelines

Bonplandia is a publication of the Institute of Botany of the Northeast (UNNE-CONICET) founded in the year 1960. It is a biannual journal (February-July and August-January), which is published the first fortnight of February and August. It is a journal open to original articles on taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, physiology, genetics, cytogenetics, applied biotechnology and functional genomics, ethnobotany, palynology, floristics, ecology and other areas of plant biology, referring to all groups of plants and related organisms (cyanobacteria, algae, fungi and lichens), both present and fossils. The articles of our journal are focused on the aforementioned disciplines covering the Americas. The editing process involves different stages:  a preliminary evaluation of the manuscript (originality, theme, quality and presentation) by the associated editors and the Editor-in-Chief; linear and simple blind arbitration: evaluation of content by two external referees. When the Editor-in-Chief receives the report of the referees, informs the author the opinion of the referees but does not detail the name of them; format references according to a specified journal's style by the assistant editor; the review the galley proof is in charge by the author and the editors of the journal. It should be clarified that although the referees decide on the work of their peers, the final decision is in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.


Declaration of adhesion to open access

All the contents of the journal Bonplandia are available in an open and free online format before the printed publication.


General instructions

  • Works written in Spanish, English or Portuguese are acceptable.
  • The length of the manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages. If this extension is exceeded, should contact to the Editorial Committee before submitting the manuscript.
  • The manuscripts must be submitted in A4 size page, with Times New Roman size font 12, double spaced, with 3 cm margins. All pages must be numbered. A word processor version compatible with Word should be used.



  • All text, including titles, should be left-aligned, no indents, no tabs, no justification. A single space should be placed between the words and at the end of each paragraph a single paragraph mark (enter).
  • The diacritical signs of each language (diaeresis, accents, etc.) must be respected, even in capital letters.
  • It is recommended not to start paragraphs with abbreviations or gerunds.
  • All figures and tables should be cited in the text. For example: (Fig. 1A), (Table 1).
  • Numbers will be written with Arabic characters, unless they are the beginning of a sentence or used to number more than one observation.
  • Common names and words or phrases in a foreign language will be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Italics will be used only for Latin expressions (sensu lato, in vitro, loc. cit., etc.) and for the scientific names of genera and infrageneric categories. The names of families and above categories will be written in normal letter.
  • Names of authors cited in the text will not be abbreviated.
  • For footnotes, continuous numbering will be used. The number,Arabic, will be used as an exponent.
  • Non-taxonomic works should include in Material and Methods the reference specimens alphabetically ordered by taxonomic category, and the complete data of them (place and date of collection, collector, herbarium in which they are deposited).
  • The manuscript is divided into the following parts: 1) title and authors; 2) summary and resumen; 3) text; 4) references; 5) tables; 6) illustrations.
  • The main style guidelines for each of these parts are summarized below. If in doubt, it is recommended to follow the style of the last volume of Bonplandia.

Title of work and Authors

  • The title should clearly and briefly express the content of the work. It will be written in uppercase/lowercase  (with the first letter capitalized and the others lowercase), without underlining and without a full stop; in Spanish (or original language) and in English.
  • If the name of a specific or generic taxon is included, add the upper taxonomic category in parentheses, not including acronyms.
  • The names of the authors will be written the first full name and then the last name, below the title, all with uppercase/lowercase (with the first letter capitalized and the others lowercase). If there is more than one author, they must be written on the same line. Record the corresponding author.

All authors must include the ORCID digital identifier in the initial submission of the manuscript to be considered (

  • Work place, address, e-mail, position in an institution, etc., should be recorded as footnotes.
  • Include a short title "running title" for the heading of the odd numbered pages.
  • Will include a maximum of 200 words each. They will be written in a single paragraph. 
  • Key words and Palabras clave will be included in a separate paragraph. The words must be separated by commas and in alphabetical order (a maximum of six). The key words may not include words that are already in the title. The proper names and taxonomic categories will be written in uppercase/lowercase (with the first letter capitalized and the others lowercase).
    • It is recommended to organize the text in the following titles: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References. In taxonomic works dealing with numerous species, it is suggested to include Index of scientific names and Index of collectors. 
    • Within each heading, up to levels of subheadings can be used. The first-level subheading is left-aligned in italics, has no a full stop, and the paragraph begins on a separate line. The second-level subheading is left-aligned  in italics and ends at a point and followed. 
    • In taxonomic works, the titles that include additional information (geographical distribution, common names, phenology, etc.) must be followed by a colon (:)
    • The units of measure or cardinal points should be abbreviated according to the international system, for example: m, cm, g, ml, μm, pm, etc.; N, S, E, W, NE, NW, etc. In the case of coordinates use W for west. The altitude will be indicated in "m" in the text and in the citation of materials it can be only "m" or "m  a.s.l." The acronyms will be all written in capital letters and without points (FAA, ADN, etc.).
    • Notes on numerical expressions: n= 10, 2n, 30 °C, 100%.

Summary and Resumen

General Text 

Text in Taxonomic Studies 

  • The genera and species will be numbered consecutively within each family or genus with Arabic numbers.

Intraspecific taxa will be identified within each species with lowercase letters. 

  • The keys will be dichotomous.
  • The scientific name will have in the following line the reference of the figure(s): Fig. 1 
  • In the case of taxa already described, the data of the type will be located after the bibliographic citation corresponding to each name. When the type material corresponds to an ancient species, it is recommended to transcribe the full citation that appears in the original diagnosis in quotation marks i. The examined material will be indicated with an exclamation mark, placed after the acronym of the corresponding herbarium.
  • In the case of new species, the name of the taxon will be followed by the acronym and the abbreviation sp. nov. Illustrating these taxa is recommended.
  • The text will begin with the diagnosis. Following the recommendation of the Nomenclature Code, the indication of the nomenclatural type should immediately follow the diagnosis and the Latin word typus or holotypus should be used. The isotypes will be recorded following the holotype. The text will continue with the description in Spanish (or in the original language of the manuscript). 
  • Additional material will be included under the title of Paratypus, following the description in Spanish/English (depending of the original language of the manuscript). 
  • In the description of the taxon the measures of length and width of a character can be indicated as the following example:

8-13 × 4-5 mm

8-13 mm long, 4-5 mm wide 


  • After the description of taxa already described, the rest of the material will be indicated under the subheading Material studied. 
  • Information about common names ("in quotation marks"), chromosome number, phenology, geographical distribution and ecology, must be included before the Material studied. Geographical distribution and Material studied will always be place one after the other. 
  • Finally, the Notes and Observations (Obs.) will be numbered with Arabic numerals only if case of being more than one. 
  • In the scientific names index, valid names will be in bold. 
  • In the collectors index, the numbers of each collector will be arranged in ascending order. The punctuation should follow the example: 

Krapovickas, A., 180 (6), 348 (5), 992 (5) 

Krapovickas, A. & C.L. Cristóbal, 14199 (11), 14362 (11), 23271 (6)

  • For the abbreviation of the authors names of a taxon, it is recommend to search in:
  • The names of the periodical publications must be cited in full, without abbreviations. 
  • The acronyms of the authors of the taxa should be written only with the initial letter in capital letters. They are only indicated the first time the taxonomic categories are named in the text. 
  • When citing herbarium material, the country should always be in bold capital letters. The political division that follows the country (State, Province, Department, etc.) must be in upper/lower case and bold. The name should not be preceded by the corresponding abbreviation (Est., Prov., Dep.). Minor political divisions may be preceded by the corresponding abbreviations (Mun., Dep., Pdo., Prov.). In the event that a part of the previous citation is repeated, the word ídem can be used. 
  • When type material is cited, all data on the label will be literal transcribed, including all collectors with their initials.
  • The specimens will be cited in alphabetical order by country, province, etc., respecting the specified punctuation: Material studied: ARGENTINA. Corrientes: Dep. San Miguel, Ea. Santa Julia, chacra Tres Camba, 28º 06´17´´S, 57º28´24´´W, 67 m, 11-XI-2012, Medina & Aparicio 268 (CTES). MÉXICO. Guerrero: Mun. La Unión, 8 km al N de la Unión, por la terracería a Coahuayutla de Guerrero, 13-XI-1983, fl, fr, Koch et al. 83121 (BM, CTES, TEX). Jalisco: Coastal plain near the highway to Autlán, 5 miles north of Bahia Navidad, 9-XI-1960, fl, fr, McVaugh 20882 (CTES, MICH).
  • The bibliographic citations or references of the bibliography in the text, will follow  the international standard APA 7th edition which can be consulted at the following link:
  • Examples: (Rossow, 1993), (Rossow, 1993: 82), ... according to Rossow (1993); (Arriaga & Sánchez, 1981) or (Grosso et al., 1994) in the case of 3 or more authors. 
  • In the References section, all the literature mentioned in the text, must be included, alphabetically ordered by authors and in chronological order when several works of the same author are cited.
  • When the same author has several works in the same year, they will be distinguished by lower-case letters placed after the year (a, b, c, etc.). 
  • In taxonomy works, the bibliography that accompanies the Latin names of species or genera will not be repeated in the References section, unless it is mentioned in the text.
  • In the case of a book, state the publisher name and publication place. 
  • If the work has a digital object identifier (DOI), it must be included at the end of the citation.
  • The following is an example of the format to be followed:


Botta, S. M., Múlgura De Romero, M. E. & Martínez, S. (1995). Proposal to conserve the name Junellia Moldenke. Taxon 44: 639-640.

Harley, R. M. (2008). Lamiaceae. En Zuloaga, F. O., O. Morrone & M. J. Belgrano (eds.), Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur (Argentina, Sur de Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 2362-2392.

Ferrucci, M. S., Cáceres Moral, S. A. & Galvany Casals, M. (2002). Las plantas trepadoras. En Arbo, M. M. & S. G. Tressens (eds.), Flora del Iberá, pp. 111-153. EUDENE, Corrientes.

Bartoli, A. & Tortosa, R. D. (1998). Estudios taxonómicos en Grindelia (Asteraceae). XXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, 22 al 27 de noviembre de 1998, p. 230.

Solís, S. M. (2011). Estudios morfo-anatómicos y ontogenéticos en flores de Paullinieae y su significado evolutivo. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. 184 pp.

The Plant List. (2013). A working list of all plant species. Disponible: (Consulta 03/03/18).

Thiers, B. Index Herbariorum: a global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium,

Whittaker, R. H. (1972). Evolution and measurement of species diversity. Taxon 21: 213-251.


  • The DOI should be included whenever available, on a separate line below the bibliographic reference. It can be obtained by registering with Crossref and uploanding your reference list to the available service (sign up for citation comparison, check in your email address and accept the terms, it allows you to search up to 5000 references per month):



  • When preparation illustrations, authors should bear in mind that the journal has a matter size of 15 cm × 21.5 cm, or the width of a column (7.2 cm). 
  • Each table must be sent in an Excel file. 
  • The tables will be numbered with Arabic numerals. 
  • The legend should be located in the header of the table page; in Spanish (or the original language of the manuscript) and English.   
  • Lowercase letters will be used for footnotes. 


  • All illustrations must be of good quality and made in black and white or grayscale, as appropriate. Publication of colour illustrations in print format has a mandatory charge for the authors; while in digital format it has no cost. 
  • Drawings, photographs, maps, graphs, etc. are all considered as figures. They will be numbered consecutively in the text. 
  •  All illustrations must be submitted digitally in TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. Ink drawings must be scanned in black and white (not grayscale), while maps and photographs must be scanned in gray scale. Do not insert the images into the text file. Name each file with the figure number (e.g. figure1.tiff, figure2.tiff, etc.) 
  • When preparation illustrations, authors should bear in mind the matter size of the journal. If possible include the legend within that space. 
  •  If the figure consists of several photos or drawings, capital letters will be used to indicate them. They will be placed where possible to the right and below each drawing or photo, keeping a horizontal ordering from left to right and vertical from top to bottom. The size of the letters should be such that, when reduced to the journal’s matter size, the body should not be less than 3 mm. 
  • The maps should be framed by a box. They should include at least two latitude and longitude marks, and a scale in kilometers.
  • The figures legends will be written on a separate sheet, attach to the text, in Spanish (or the original language of the manuscript) and English, as shown in the example:

Legends of the figures 

Fig. 1. Galianthe longisepala. A: Planta. B: Vaina estipular con lacinias. C-E: Flor longistila. C: Flor. D: Hipanto, cáliz, estilo y estigma. E: Interior de la corola desplegada. F-H: Flor brevistila. F: Alabastro. G: Flor. H: Hipanto, cáliz, estilo y estigma. I: Interior de la corola desplegada. J: Fruto. K-L: Semilla. K: Cara dorsal. L: Cara ventral. A-D, J-L, Irwin 13307 (CTES); F-I, Irwin 25504 (SI).

Fig. 1. Galianthe longisepala. A: Plant. B: Stipulate sheath with fimbriae. C-E: Long-styled flower. C: Flower. D: Hypanthium, calyx, style and stigma. E: Interior of the corolla unfolded. F-H: Short-styled flower. F: Alabaster. G: Flower. H: Hypanthium, calyx, style and stigma. I: Interior of the corolla unfolded. J: Fruit. K-L: Seed. K: Dorsal face. L: Ventral face. A-D, J-L, Irwin 13307 (CTES); F-I, Irwin 25504 (SI). 

  • The acronyms of the authors of the taxa will not be included in the legends. 


Graphical abstracts

After the acceptance of the manuscript, the authors must send a graphical abstract to be used in the dissemination of the article on social networks. The graphical abstract should be a figure specially designed, which conveys the core message of your paper, highlighting the major findings of it. Images of the text or others of their own may be used. This summary has no caption and should contain as little text as possible. The format must conform to the following properties: 800 x 800 pixels, high resolution (300 dpi), JPG format, RGB color, letters in Arial format, 14 font size, (scientific names of genera or lower range are written in italics). The graphical abstract will be published on Bonplandia website as well as on social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


 Short communication

This contains original information which must be communicated the quickest to the scientist community. It is an article that does not exceed 4 pages printed including tables and figures (one page is nearly 600 words). The manuscript can follow this order: Title, authors, affiliations, key words, abstract, abbreviated text, acknowledgments, bibliography, figure legends. The rule for sending tables and figures are specified in the section of Instructions for authors on the Bonplandia website.


Manuscript submission

 The submission of the manuscript with its attached files can be done in two ways:



  • Once the paper is typeset, the proofs are sent by e-mail in PDF format. Authors can indicate the corrections in the same PDF or indicate in a text file: page, column, paragraph and line of each correction, and send that file to the same email that sent it. 
  • If the authors make non-typographical corrections in the page proof, they will be responsible for the cost.
  • Guide available in:


Statement on Publication Ethics and Best Practices

Copyright Notice

  • Bonplandia journal allows the author to retain their rights of publication without restrictions.
  • This journal is under a license of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

Publication costs 

• Bonplandia does not charge the authors fees for uploading or processing. Only color illustrations and printed offprints requested by the authors are paid. 


Correspondence should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief: 

Dr. Myriam Carolina Peichoto

Institute of Botany of the Northeast 

Casilla of Mail 209, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina. 

TE: (54) 3794 422006/427589 Internal 128.


Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.