Current scope of Alexander von Humboldt’s and Aimé Bonpland’s knowledge and the popularity of their figures




Aimé Bonpland, Alexander von Humboldt, popularity, scientific legacy


This article consists of two parts, the first deals with the actuality of Humboldtian and Bonplandian science, and the second with the popularity of both scientists. Although after their voyage to America (1977-1804) Humboldt and Bonpland pursued their life in a very different way, we aim to address both topics in a comparative mode, especially the reason why Bonpland has become much less well, known than Humboldt even though they did the long voyage together and become famous because of their stay in the equinox regions. The basic idea is to provide a global and actual vision in both directions in spite of the conviction that the two topics, the popularity of both figures and the actuality of their scientific legacy, can’t really be separated. Our guide is their different characterization which has been given to them over the last centuries, and we will also discuss some critical questions about the two naturalists. In order to reach the best possible conclusions, we also review investigations about both Humboldt and Bonpland presented in the last five years in congresses and publications from all over the world.


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How to Cite

Prüfer Leske, I. (2020). Current scope of Alexander von Humboldt’s and Aimé Bonpland’s knowledge and the popularity of their figures. Bonplandia, 29(2), 165–179.



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