Bryoerythrophyllum jamesonii (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) in Argentina




Argentina, Bryoerythrophyllum, bryophytes, high altitude grassland, mosses


New record of the genus Bryoerythrophyllum for Argentina: B. jamesonii. With this discovery, the genus is represented in the country by six species, five in the northwest and one in the south. Bryoerythrophyllum jamesonii has been collected in high altitude grasslands and is distinguished by its dioecious reddish-brown plants; leaves are oblong-lanceolate with a broadly acute and apiculate apex; the margin is flat and recurved above the sheathing base, weakly dentate towards the apex; the costa is papillose ventrally, while smooth on the dorsal side, and the basal paracostal cells have firm walls and are not inflated. This contribution includes the description, illustration, and comments of the species mentioned, as well as a taxonomic key to compare it with its congeners present in the country.


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Author Biographies

María T. Colotti, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e IML, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Miguel Lillo 205, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

Guillermo M. Suárez, Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (CONICET-Fundación Miguel Lillo)

Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (CONICET-Fundación Miguel Lillo), Miguel Lillo 251, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán,


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How to Cite

Colotti, M. T., & Suárez, G. M. (2024). Bryoerythrophyllum jamesonii (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) in Argentina. Bonplandia, 33(2), 217–221.