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Edaphic cyanobacterial community of post-fire soils in Sierras Chicas of Córdoba province, Argentina




Cyanobacteria, fires, nutrients, soil


Cyanobacteria are oxygenic phototrophic organisms that possess a high adaptive capacity to different environments, allowing them to pioneer terrestrial ecosystems. The objective of this study was to compare the cyanobacterial community in two areas of secondary mountain forest: one seven days after a fire (post-fire soil) and another nearby without fire (control soil). The collected samples were cultivated for 8 weeks under controlled conditions. A total of 35 taxa were identified: 2 unicellular, 24 filamentous without heterocytous, and 9 with heterocytous cyanobacteria; 13 of them represent the first record for soils in Córdoba. Microcoleus vaginatus was the most frequent taxon, along with Scytonema hoffmannii, Desmonostoc muscorum, and Nostoc commune, which persisted until the end of the experiment. The presence of exclusive organisms such as Calothrix brevissima, Chlorogloeopsis fritschii, and Cylindrospermum muscicola in the control soils highlights their sensitivity to this type of disruptive event in the community. The availability of nitrogen, CO content, and pH are the physicochemical soil variables that define the community structure. This work is contributing to increase our knowledge of soil restoration after forest fires.


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2023-12-15 — Updated on 2023-12-15


How to Cite

Daga, C., Murialdo, R., Gudiño, G., & Pesci, H. (2023). Edaphic cyanobacterial community of post-fire soils in Sierras Chicas of Córdoba province, Argentina. Bonplandia, 33(1), 1–18.



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