A new record of the genus Sida (Malvoideae) and notes on the genus Melochia (Byttnerioideae) for Colombian flora





Amazon, Byttnerioideae, Cordifoliae, Orinoquia, Sida cerradoensis


The species Sida cerradoensis Krapov. is reported for the first time for the Colombian flora, expanding its distribution to the northernmost limit known so far. This species can be recognized by the presence of: long, and retrorse-barbaded mericarp spines, purplish-red sepal lobes margin, irregularly dentate and purplish-red leafs margins, (9-)10-11 mericarps and verrucous stems. It is compared with other species of sect. Cordifoliae ocurring in the country. Additionally, the presence of Melochia melissifolia Benth. is clarified in the flora of Colombia, and the distribution in the country of the species Melochia siphonandra (Turcz.) Dorr is extended to the biogeographic regions of the Amazon, Orinoquia and Biogeographic Chocó. These records show the importance of resuming studies on this subfamily in the country and increase the level of exploration of certain botanical groups traditionally not included in floristic studies.


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2023-12-26 — Updated on 2024-02-22


How to Cite

Torrejano Munevar, A. F. (2024). A new record of the genus Sida (Malvoideae) and notes on the genus Melochia (Byttnerioideae) for Colombian flora. Bonplandia, 33(1), 89–96. https://doi.org/10.30972/bon.3317272 (Original work published December 26, 2023)



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