Methodological reflections of an empirical investigation on sexual and reproductive rights in indigenous peoples of the province of Tucumán (Argentina)




methodological reflections, qualitative research, feminist epistemologies, sexual and reproductive rights


The objective of this paper is to report part of the process of insertion and field work carried out in the development of an empirical investigation on "Subjectivities and Sexual and Reproductive Rights in youth of theoriginal townsprovince of Tucumán" in which we worked with qualitative methodology using techniques such as in-depth interviews with young users of public health services and workers in these services; Community representatives were also interviewed and finally field observations were carried out. That is, in this writing I propose to describe and critically reflect on the first steps of insertion into the field of work, on the mechanisms and tools used, the methodological decisions made and the vicissitudes encountered. In this work, the emphasis is placed on the ways of carrying out the task, that is, on the “behind the scenes” of the production of knowledge, therefore we will refer to the procedures that are carried out from the moment of starting the task until the previous moment of analysis of results. Finally, we offer a story about the field work carried out around the research topic where the subjectivity and positioning of the researcher is revealed.


2023-11-06 — Updated on 2023-11-07


How to Cite

Argañaraz, M. M. (2023). Methodological reflections of an empirical investigation on sexual and reproductive rights in indigenous peoples of the province of Tucumán (Argentina). De Prácticas Y Discursos, 12(20). (Original work published November 6, 2023)



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