Images of living on a damaged planet. Ecosocial activism and forms of resistance in Entre Ríos




ecosocial activisms, artistic practices, Entre Ríos


This work is part of a larger archival research project that recovers the street interventions of different social collectives in the city of Paraná. In this article, I will focus on the experiences of eco-social activism that began early in the 1990s, took national resonance with the conflict over the installation of pulp mills on the banks of the Uruguay River during the first decade of 2000 and expanded in the last decade from the struggle against the use of pesticides for the spraying of mega-production fields. During the last few years, the claims have been united in the resistance to the burning of wetlands in all the territories of the Paraná basin. We are interested in investigating the aesthetic-political overflows produced in the strategies used by the activisms in the occupation of public space, as well as the multisectoral alliances between different social collectives of the city and the province that were articulated around the discourses against the precariousness of life and ecocide, and inquired about good living, the care of life and the relevance of the defense of the territory.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez, L. (2024). Images of living on a damaged planet. Ecosocial activism and forms of resistance in Entre Ríos. De Prácticas Y Discursos, 13(21).


