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Cuantificación, frecuencia de división celular y producción de bacterias planctónicas en el Embalse del Río III - variables relacionadas


  • Miguel A. Di Siervi
  • Aldo A. Mariazzi
  • Jorge L. Donadelli Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl Á. Ringuelet"



During a whole year (1987-1988), monthly variations of biomass, frequency of dividing cells and production of bacterioplankton were studied in the Embalse del Río III Reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina). Algal biomass and production were measured
simultaneously. A significant relationship between bacterial and algal production was observed, being temperature an important regulator factor. Bacterial biomass valúes did not correlate with their production rates. Low valúes and variability in the frequency of dividing cells were probably due to methodological difficulties for detecting división in very little cells. These data suggest that the frequency of dividing cells is not a reliable
indicator of total active bacteria. Annually bacteria cycled nearly 60% of organic matter produced by phytoplankton in the water column.


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2023-11-29 — Actualizado el 2023-11-29


Cómo citar

Di Siervi, M. A., Mariazzi, A. A., & Donadelli, J. L. (2023). Cuantificación, frecuencia de división celular y producción de bacterias planctónicas en el Embalse del Río III - variables relacionadas. Ecosur, 16(27), 1–2.


