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Efecto de las fluctuaciones del nivel hidrométrico sobre el fitoplancton en tres lagunas isleñas en el área de la confluencia de los ríos Paraná y Paraguay


  • Yolanda Zalocar de Domitrovic Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral



.The phytoplankton of three island ponds (Los Pájaros, Catay and Turbia) (27°25’S; 58°45’W) in the begening of Paraná river floodplain were studied. These ponds are periodically flooded by the river. Catay pond was in pennanent contact with the river
while the other two were flooded during high water periods.
Sampling was carried out during 1978-1980. Cell counts were madeby the U termohl method. Population density and diversity and were analyzed. Cell density were comparatively highest (1733, 2084 and 1028 ind. ml4 in Pájaros, Catay and Turbia
ponds, respectively) either when hydrometric level was slowly increasing or after small flood phases. On the contrary, cell density were lowest in coincidence with strong flooding phases (83,73 and 57 ind. mi'1, respectively). Catay pond, the one which is in pennanent contact with the river showed highest both population density and diversity. During high water periods strong similarity ainong three ponds were observed.
In Pájaros and Catay ponds Chlorophyceae (Monoraphidium, Schroederia and Scenedesmus), Ciyptophyceae (Cryp tomonas spp.) and Diatomophyceae A ulacoseira granúlala) were dominant. In the Turbia pond Euglenophyceae (Traclielomonas
volvocina) and Cryptophyceae (Cryptomonas spp.) were dominant.
Nannoplankton represented between 60 and 90% of the total in all the studied ponds.


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Cómo citar

Zalocar de Domitrovic, Y. (2023). Efecto de las fluctuaciones del nivel hidrométrico sobre el fitoplancton en tres lagunas isleñas en el área de la confluencia de los ríos Paraná y Paraguay. Ecosur, 16(27), 13–29.


