Estructura y dinámica de población de Tigriopus californicus (Copé´´poda, harpacticoida)


  • Rubén J. Lombardo Centro de Investigaciones de Biología Marina
  • Rosa E. Pallares Centro de Investigaciones de Biología Marina



From January 1976 to July 1979, samples of a population of the copepod Tigrlopus californicus were collected at monthly intervals on lower supralittoral level tide pools at Península Foca, ría Deseado (Santa Cruz).

Density and samples composition in males, ovigerous and nonovigerous females, coupled individuals and juveniles were determined. Females usually were significantly more abundant than males. The seasonal density changes are considered with respect to the physical environment. Copepods were present throughout the year but abundance in summer is several orders of magnitude greater than in winter, through a rapid autumn decline. A large density increase in spring complete the annual cycle. The frequency of this maxima and mínima appeared to be periodic in time during the sampling years, in annualy cycles. Natural mortality and instantaneous rates of population increase were estimated,and the last compared with the species reproductive potential (computed "in vitro", previously published). The periodic density fluctuation is considered with respect to the seasonal changes in poblational structure through cyclical modifications of the instantaneous rates of population increase.




Cómo citar

Lombardo, R. J., & Pallares, R. E. (2023). Estructura y dinámica de población de Tigriopus californicus (Copé´´poda, harpacticoida). Ecosur, 8(15), 65–77.


