Estudios Limnológicos en la Cuenca del Riachuelo (Corrientes, Argentina). III. Laguna la Brava


  • Argentino A. Bonetto Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Juan J. Neiff Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Alicia Poi de Neiff Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • María E. Varela Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Marta A. Corrales Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Yolanda Zalakar Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Among the numerous lenitic water bodies related to the Riachuelo river basin, in the Corrientes Province, a type of pond with dense marginal macrophytes may be distinguished. These ones have great limnological interest and importance because of the singular characteristics of the aquatic vegetations, the wide surface cover by the water and their abundance in the studied area.

In order to study the general limnological characteristics of these water bodies, a representative one named “La Brava”, with 380 Ha of surface, was chosen. The studies were performed by means of monthly general field operations in several sampling places, although some special research aspects, like the case of the macrophytes, were carried out with greater frecuency and jpractically extended to the whole pond area.

According to the data obtamed, these ponds show particular limnological features in great part related to the “tropical swamps”, but with important differences respect to those described by Carter and Beadle in the Paraguayan Chaco, spedally in the thermal regime, the oxigen dissolved distribution, and a more normal biotic communities representation.




Cómo citar

Bonetto, A. A., Neiff, J. J., Poi de Neiff, A., Varela, M. E., Corrales, M. A., & Zalakar, Y. (2024). Estudios Limnológicos en la Cuenca del Riachuelo (Corrientes, Argentina). III. Laguna la Brava. Ecosur, 5(9), 57–84. Recuperado a partir de


