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Author Guidelines

Sugerencias a Autor/es:

Formato y presentación de los trabajos: Word (versión 97 o superior).

El tamaño de las páginas deberá ser: A4 (210 x 297 mm).

Letra tipo: Times New Roman 12 puntos.

Margen superior: 3 cm. Margen inferior: 2,5 cm.

Márgenes izquierdo y derecho: 3 cm.

Alineación: justificada.

Interlineado: 1,5 líneas.

Títulos: tipo Times New Roman 14 puntos, en negrita y alineación centrada.

Extensión Máxima: 15 páginas.


Debe incluirse en la primera hoja: título del artículo, datos de los autor/es con su grado académico más alto; nombre del Departamento o institución en el que se ha realizado el trabajo y dirección postal y/o electrónica de al menos uno de los integrantes (para el envío de la REVISTA), Número de contacto de un integrante del grupo. Indicar de 3 a 10 palabras claves o frases cortas que identifiquen el trabajo. El Resumen podrá escribirse en idioma español e inglés (Abstract). Se sugiere en el desarrollo especificar los métodos utilizados, hallazgos y conclusiones que considere relevantes. Se podrán incluir imágenes en formato "jpg”, para una mayor comprensión del trabajo. La bibliografía podrá presentarse al final del texto. En el caso de incluirse tablas, éstas deben ser ordenadas y numeradas para su publicación.

Desde ya agradecemos su atención y quedamos a la espera de sus aportes

Extensionist Experiences

In this "Extensionist Experiences" section, manuscripts confined to the following thematic axes will be considered:

AXIS No. 1: Education and Social Promotion.
Extension actions involving awareness, promotion, prevention, and/or training aimed at addressing topics related to improving the quality of life in a community.

AXIS No. 2: Community Intervention.
Extension actions involving direct approaches aimed at correcting, improving, modifying, and/or addressing specific issues related to the enhancement of the quality of life in a community.

Technological Innovation

In this "Technological Innovation" section, manuscripts confined to the following thematic axes will be considered:

Axis No. 1: Technological Development for Transfer.
Projects for the study, analysis, and/or development of devices, systems, and/or techniques aimed at addressing specific issues identified in the local or regional socio-productive environment.

Axis No. 2: Technological Development as Replacement of Existing Technologies.
Projects for the study, analysis, and/or development of devices, systems, and/or techniques aimed at replacing existing imported or expensive technologies to contribute to the socio-productive sector, living conditions, and labor capabilities.

Technological Transfer

In this "Technological Transfer" section, manuscripts confined to the following thematic axes will be considered:

Axis No. 1: Productive Technological Transfer.
Technological transfer actions based on studies, analysis, and/or developments of devices, systems, and/or techniques aimed at addressing specific issues identified in the local or regional socio-productive environment.

Axis No. 2: Social Technological Transfer.
Technological transfer actions based on studies, analysis, and/or developments of devices, systems, and/or techniques aimed at addressing specific issues identified in social communities or organizations in the local or regional context.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.