Identification of water erosion processes through analysis of land use and land cover changes in a mountain watershed
Land cover change, Water erosion, Geotechnologies, Google earth engine, Random forestAbstract
Land use and land cover change (LULC) has a significant impact on ecosystems by modifying the natural cover, which has consequences on soil characteristics, hydrological and geomorphological processes. Therefore, the objective is to determine the LULC change of the El Negro River basin for the years 1985 and 2023 through classification supervised with the use of satellite images, analysing the changes and identifying sectors that show evidence of water erosion processes. Thus, the greatest change in LULC is in the vegetation class, which reduced its area from 55 km2 (1985) to 13 km2 (2023), while the agricultural cover increased from 65 km2 (1985) to almost 100 km2 (2023), representing almost 50% of the total area. In addition to this change, it has been possible to identify sectors where different processes of water erosion are developing within the agricultural production fields (mainly in the Piedmont areas) and in the development of the drainage network.
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