Incidencia oblicua: radiación dispersa


  • Ernesto R. Custidiano Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, UNNE. Campus Libertad (3400) Corrientes.
  • José L. Dumont Centro de Radioterapia. Crespo 953, (2000). Rosario.



Monte Carlo, Radiations, Dose, Dosimetry


Some effects of the dispersed radiation were studied when a Co-60 beam impacts obliquely on a target (fantoma), of similar composition to biológical tissue (water). The process of was simulated by means of thc method Monte Carlo (MC) relating it to variations of the angle of incidence of the radiation beam, regarding the interface air-fantoma.
To analyze the phenomenon of oblique incidence it was considered fields of 4x4 cm and carrying out the separation of the primary and secondary contributions. The dose in the central axis is nol altered as the incidence angles vary, although the percent depth dose curve (H) varies, fundamcntally as consequence of the displacement of the pick of máximum ionization.


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How to Cite

Custidiano, E. R., & Dumont, J. L. (2000). Incidencia oblicua: radiación dispersa. FACENA, 16, 3–14.



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