About the Journal


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Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas


DOAJ. Open Global Trusted




Latindex Catálogo




The Philosopher’s Index







Creative License Commons

The magazine is published under Creative license Commoms , of the Non-Commercial Attribution type . As it is an open access journal, the reproduction, copy, reading or printing of the works has no cost nor does it require a prior identification process. Publication by third parties will be authorized by Nuevo Itinerario as long as it is duly and explicitly recognized as the place of publication of the original.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)


Publication Frequency

Semi-annual frequency

- First issue of the year: June 30

- Second issue of the year: November 30


Editorial Policy and Scope 

Nuevo Itinerario forms a space for disseminating the work of regional, national and international researchers who delve into different topics, approaching them from different perspectives and philosophical currents. Its fundamental objective is to maintain a broad perspective on topics that concern experts, whether due to their personal or disciplinary interests or due to the demand for problems that arise within our sociocultural context and that merit inter- and transdisciplinary inquiry .

The publication focuses on articles that deal with different topics and disciplinary areas of philosophy, that seek new foundations and critical elaborations and adhere to communication techniques validated within the academic community. To this end, the works are examined in a strict arbitration process by specialists in the relevant area. Sometimes a section of reviews related to the disciplinary area of competence or related to it is included, as well as translations and interviews with professionals in the field.

Nueva Itinerario is a free publication regarding the sending, processing and/or publication of articles, as well as the reproduction, copy, reading or printing of the works.