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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

Publication Rules for Collaborators


         A) BOOK REVIEW:

Reviews must be of books related to philosophical research and reflection that are no more than five years old, prior to the publication of this magazine. They must indicate: Last name, First name. Title. City, Editorial, Year. Number of pages. At the end of the review, the author must indicate his or her name, the institution to which he or she belongs, and the country of the review.

          B) ARTICLES:

1) The works must be unpublished and original , they may belong to different areas of culture, but their perspective in all cases will be philosophical. They must have a minimum length of 8,000 words and a maximum of 12,000 words, including the Summary/ Abstract and footnotes. The bibliography, which must be included at the end of the article, will not be taken into account to establish the maximum number of words. Collective articles of up to 3 (three) authors will be accepted.

2)  Summaries:

            a) Summary must have a minimum length of 100 and a maximum of 500 words. Additionally, 5 keywords must be given.

          b) Abstract : It must be accompanied by an abstract in English, with the same parameters as the summary in Spanish.

3) Title : centered and with lowercase letters, in Calibri 14 font. In Spanish and English.

4) Name of the author/s; institution to which you belong, city, Country; contact email, ORCID code (if any).: below the title, on the right margin, in Calibri 12 font.

5) Research link: Each article must have an asterisk over the title in Spanish (*) to indicate, in the footer, the information on the link of the writing with groups, projects, thesis or previous writings.

6) Body of work: A4 paper type, Calibri 12 font , 1.5 line spacing, with indentation on the first line of each paragraph at 1.25 cm. Top, bottom, left and right margins of 3 cm. each. Justified alignment.

7) Citations : It has been decided to use the APA style (7th edition) for both citations and bibliographic references .

    7.1) Indirect quotes

When ideas from other authors are paraphrased or described and the words are not used verbatim. The reference is placed at the end in parentheses and it is not necessary to include the page number.

Ex.: There are many ways of using the word power that lead to misunderstanding (Foucault, 2006, p. 112)

    7.2) Direct quotes

Literally reproduces the ideas of other authors. You use “p.” when the reference is on a single page, and “pp.” when the reference corresponds to more than one page. They can be less than 40 words or more than 40 words.

    7.2.1) Direct quotes of less than 40 words

Direct quotes of less than 40 words are enclosed in quotation marks.

There are two ways to do them depending on whether the emphasis is on an author or a text:

           a) Last name +( year)+“quote”+( p.XX ): enter the name of the author, the year in parentheses, then put the quote in quotes and at the end the page in parentheses.

For example: As Marx (1984) establishes: “The consumer is not freer than the producer (…)” (p. 61).

          b) “Citation” + ( Last name, year, p. XX): first, enter the text in quotation marks, then the author, year and page in parentheses

For example: It is important to highlight that “The entity whose analysis is our problem is in each case ourselves” (Heidegger, 2016, p.53).

      7.2.3) Direct quotes that exceed 40 words

Quotes that exceed 40 words must be in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, with a left indentation of 1.27 cm in a block (if there are new paragraphs, an indentation of 1.27 cm is added), without italics, with the same Font type and size, with double spacing. The final period comes before the parenthesis of the reference. Example:

The secret of philosophy, since it has been lost since its origins, remains to be discovered in the future.

It was therefore fatal that philosophy in history only developed by degenerating and turning against itself, allowing itself to be trapped in its mask. (Deleuze, 2000, p. 25)

 8) Bibliographic references

The APA style (7th edition) is chosen as a reference. The bibliography must go at the end of the article, each title will be numbered and with a hanging indentation of half an inch (1.27 cm). All authors cited in the body of a text or work must match the reference list; The list of references is organized in alphabetical and chronological order. An author who has not been cited in the text should never be referenced and vice versa.

  • Book

Last name, initial of the author's name. (year). Title in italics. (initial of the first name and last name of the translator, Trans.). City: editorial


Nietzsche, F. (1983). Thus spoke Zarathustra . (A. Sánchez Pascual, Trans.). Madrid: Alliance.

  • Book chapters, collaborations in collective works

Last name, initial of the first name. ( year). Title of the chapter or essay without italics. In: initials and surname of the editor and/or compiler (ed.) / ( comp. ), Title of the book in which the chapter or essay is included in italics (pp. XX-XX). City: editorial.


Guba , Egon G. (1983). Criteria of credibility in naturalistic inquiry. In JG Sacristán and A. Pérez Gómez ( Comps .), Teaching: its theory and practice (pp. 148-165). Madrid: Akal .

  • Magazine Articles

Last name, initial of the first name. ( year). Article title. Journal name in italics, Volume (issue), XX-XX. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxxx


Conti , R. (2009). The sense of the sublime and the abyss of the indeterminate in Kant's aesthetics. Cuadernos del Sur-Philosophy , 38, 65–84.

  • Electronic resources—information and websites—

Web pages with static content
Last name, first initial ( date ). Post title . Name of the website. Address.

Web pages with frequent updates
Last name, first initial ( date ). Post title . Name of the website. Retrieved the day, month, year of. Address. 

Note: If the website does not have a publication date, it is recommended to include the access date


Lugo, A. (August 17, 2023). Fahrenheit 10/22. The Ribera Web.

9) About the authors:

  • Authors must send an abbreviated resume of no more than one paragraph, containing their academic qualifications - degree obtained and university that awarded it -, current position held, email address and main background information they wish to mention.

10) Regarding the responsibility of the authors:

  • The published articles will be the exclusive responsibility of their authors . The spelling, morphological and syntactic correction of the text will be the responsibility of the author.

11) Submission and referral :

Articles can be sent to the email and a submission must also be made using the OJS platform following the steps in point 13. The file must be in Word 2010 format; Files in PDF format will not be received.


Two digital documents must be sent:

1) The first document must include: name, institution information and email address of the author.

2) The second document must omit all data referring to the author and the institution to which it belongs in order to be ready for the anonymous evaluation.

The selection of the texts received is carried out by the Editorial Team and by external readers chosen for their level of specialization in the topic they deal with, in order to ensure the quality of the peer review process . The reading of the works is carried out according to the double - blind system. The publication decision is the exclusive responsibility of the Editorial Committee. The authors will receive a comment about their text, arising from the consideration of said Editorial Committee. The opinion may be:

  • Accepted without modifications.
  • Accepted with modifications.
  • Rejected, encouraging review and further study of the topic for a possible subsequent new presentation.


- Log in or start the Registration process on the platform with the author role.

- Access "Start a new shipment" and complete the 5 steps requested by the system.

Step 1: Start the submission (choose “Section” / choose “Language” / if necessary, enter “Comments for the editor”).

Step 2: Upload the submission (attach the file)

Step 3: Enter submission metadata in Spanish:

  • Author(s)
  • Qualification
  • Summary
  • Keywords

Step 4: Upload complementary files (in cases where necessary, attach images, tables and graphs in this step).

Step 5: Finish sending.

About the article metadata

When completing Step 3 "Enter submission metadata", take into account the following aspects:

- Authors: if there are several, upload at least one main author

- Affiliation: At least one author must be indicated: professor or place of work, faculty, university, country, email and ORCID number if available.

- Keywords: a total of four keywords must be entered.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.