The yellow vests and Facebook. A social form correlative to a media form


  • Alberto José Luis Carrillo Canán Universidad Autónoma de Puebla



Yellow vests, facebook, social form, a priori, militantism


We present the movement of the yellow vests as social form correlative of the technological form of the social network Facebook and made possible by it as an "electric medium" (McLuhan, 1994). We define the concepts of digital mobilization and digital militant showing their technological conditions of possibility. Digital militantism, delocalized and in real time, apart from any institution, is a social form independent of its content, it is the generator of the polarization of the contemporary world and is correlative with the digital world as the age of anger and anguish. Facebook is the technological a priori of French militantism, social networks as a whole are the historical a priori (Foucault) of the era of anger.

Author Biography

Alberto José Luis Carrillo Canán, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Doctor en filosofía por la Universidad Libre de Berlín. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) nivel III. Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas con arbitraje nacional e internacional. Es profesor- investigador de tiempo completo de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) y es responsable del Cuerpo Académico “La estética y los medios”. Sus áreas de investigación incluyen la
estética, la teoría de medios, la filosofía de la tecnología, las ciencias cognitivas y la historia de la ciencia.



How to Cite

Carrillo Canán, A. J. L. (2019). The yellow vests and Facebook. A social form correlative to a media form. Nuevo Itinerario, (15), 26–57.


