The issue of technical and original ethics in Martin Heidegger


  • Thalles Azevedo de Araujo Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Technique, Metaphysics, Nihilism, Inhabiting, Ethics


In this current article, we aim to analyze the possibility of a originary ethics from the Heidegger´s critic to the essence of modern technique (Gestell). To Heidegger, the technical uncovering as a position that des-pose of nature in the meaning of a exploration, presents a constant threat to the man’s essence through the way in which it was challenged to explore the energies of nature. What this evidence shows is that the action way of the man of technique, firstly, face and deal the nature as a mere operating system and calculable of forces. Heidegger proposes a traditional ethics in terms of the duty and the rule, but for an ethos in relation to the technology where the man resides and lives in the middle of the whole entity without being way and end


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How to Cite

Azevedo de Araujo, T. (2018). The issue of technical and original ethics in Martin Heidegger. New Itinerary, (13), 53–69.


