Of the politicals potencies of the Latin American neo-baroque


  • Alejandra Adela González UBA-UNDAV




Neobarroco, perspectivism, cannibalism, multinature, political philosophy


The article departs from the analysis of Mi tío el yaguareté of Joao Guimaraes Rosa, emblematic author of the Brazilian literature. It is inserted in the neobarroco by his stylistic conditions , but the analysis that is realized approaches, from a philosophical optics, the effects ethical politicians of the story from his crossing with ethnographic perspectives like that of Viveiros de Castro , which read to Claude Levi Straus bearing in mind categories of Giles Deleuze and Félix Guatari. In consequence, the notions of subject, object, person, language and the differences between kinds, races or species are destabilized from the considerations of the Amerindian perspectivismo and the conceptions “canibalísticas” of the metaphysic


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How to Cite

González, A. A. (2018). Of the politicals potencies of the Latin American neo-baroque. New Itinerary, (13), 70–90. https://doi.org/10.30972/nvt.0133122


