That interpellant presence of the other: contributions to a current debate
otherness, victim, fetish of power, representation, trans modernityAbstract
The present article pretends to outline certain epistemic limits of the notion of ´otherness´ used by the Argentinian philosopher Enrique Dussel at the moment of inquiring and dealing with the problem of the legality of the political power and its institutional order. The proposal will consist on a critical dialogue between the theoretical position Dusseliana and the consideration of certain conceptual warnings created by intellectuals that belong to the Group of Postcolonial Studies to be able to, at least, express some methodological difficulties that are situated in determined notes constitutive of the concept ´other´ employee for questioning of the current political horizon. The reference to an excluded otherness, marginalized and victimized have been one of the most significant discursive strategies employed by those auto referential and legitimating, as is the case of eurocentrism. However, it is also interesting to observe how this point has been the target to many difficulties at the moment of establishing as a neuralgic axis for the production of solid arguments. In the interstice of this dual conceptual reality where the hypothesis of this work pretends to locate is that, far from wishing to arrive to close conclusions, it will try at least to point a possible defeat for future deep investigations
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