Bernardo Canal Feijóo constitucional thinking. An approach from “De la estructura mediterránea argentina” and “La frustración constitucional”
Constitution, theory, reality, federalism, regionsAbstract
In this text, we make a brief introduction to the basic points of Bernardo Canal Feijóo constitucional theory on federalism, regionalism, and the inherent tensión between constitution and constitutional reality. We hope this little essay input to the renewed interest in the important works of Canal Feijóo, and new reflections on the distances and tensions between the normative project and the concrete and real history of frustrated constitutional development of argentine´s mediterrean provinces. In a difficult period of national history, marked by electoral proscriptions of popular parties, autoritarisms and devaluated electoral regimes, he maked a deep situated analisys about federalism situation and propose ways to generate a true social and constitutional development.Downloads
How to Cite
Medici, A. (2021). Bernardo Canal Feijóo constitucional thinking. An approach from “De la estructura mediterránea argentina” and “La frustración constitucional”. New Itinerary, 17(1), 106–138.
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