Feminist readings of Julia Kristeva: on the forms of political struggle and the issue which simply refuses to die





This article recovers the criticisms that have been made of Julia Kristeva from certain feminisms, especially from the work of Judith Butler and secondarily from Nancy Fraser. For this, some key concepts of Kristeva's thought are recovered in the light of a series of discussions within feminist theory. Firstly, it is possible to situate them in a more general context of reflections within feminism in the contest between the feminism of difference and deconstructivist feminism. On the other hand, although linked to this first point, it is inscribed in a more general debate between feminisms and psychoanalysis, and the latter in its link with a certain post-structuralist thought. In the light of Butler's criticisms of Kristeva, we are interested in shedding light on the terms, concepts and discussions of feminism in which this exchange takes place. Lastly, the above-mentioned journey will make it possible to distinguish what forms the political struggle takes on in both Julia Kristeva and Judith Butler.


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How to Cite

Lucaccini, M. (2023). Feminist readings of Julia Kristeva: on the forms of political struggle and the issue which simply refuses to die. Nuevo Itinerario, 19(1), 6–22. https://doi.org/10.30972/nvt.1916574


