The theory of décadence in the Essais de psychologie contemporaine by Paul Bourget: about normal-pathological and its manifestations in Madame Bovary


  • Sebastián Bisang CONICET/UNER-CIFPE/UNC



decadence, modern culture, psychological analysis, illness-health, Nietzsche


Within the framework of the new French literary criticism, Paul Bourget publishes the Essais de psychologie contemporaine (1883) and the Nouveaux essais de psychologie contemporaine (1885). The purpose pursued with these works is to reconstruct the moral state of French society in the second half of the 19th century. The investigation reveals that the new French generations suffer from a mortal fatigue of living, a realization of the absence of meaning. Among the causes of this, Bourget identifies the pessimistic influence that each of the ten authors studied in the Essais and the Nouveaux essais exerts with their literature on young French people. The analysis of each one of these authors shows that they are all immersed in the same process that is fundamental in the constitution of their sensibilities: la décadence. Within this context, the objective of this paper is to develop the theory of decadence formulated by Paul Bourget. To this end, the study will be divided into two parts: in the first part, the notion of décadence and its positivist conceptual assumptions about the normal and the pathological will be presented. In the second part, a description of the character of Emma Bovary from Madame Bovary will be made in order to show a case of romantic idealization that constitutes a concrete manifestation of decadence.

Author Biography


Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe. Becario doctoral CONICET del Doctorado en Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Profesor Auxiliar Interino de la cátedra Filosofía de la Educación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.


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How to Cite

Bisang, S. (2023). The theory of décadence in the Essais de psychologie contemporaine by Paul Bourget: about normal-pathological and its manifestations in Madame Bovary. Nuevo Itinerario, 19(2), 89–103.


