The boundaries between philosophy and religion in Ricoeur’s thought. A dialogue on the problem of evil
Biblical Hermeneutics, Forgiveness, Freedom, Regeneration, KerygmaAbstract
This paper offers an analysis of the ideas of freedom, evil and forgiveness in order to cross the border between the philosophical discourse itself and the religious or kerygmatic discourse in Paul Ricoeur’s work. By passing through these ideas, we will be able to distinguish three possible forms of contact between philosophy and religion. Thus, we will first talk about an approximation; then, we will try to define the border or separation that Ricoeur establishes between the two based on the question of hermeneutics. Finally, we will raise the possibility of a forgetting of borders brought about by the problem of forgiveness and fault. Having as its main axis the problem of evil in the thought of the French philosopher, our main thesis will be to argue that with the proposal of difficult forgiveness culminates a dialogue between philosophy and religion in which the boundaries between one and the other vanish.
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- 2024-09-18 (2)
- 2024-06-28 (1)
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