Phenomenological hermeneutics as a bridge for the development of pedagogical hospitality in evanescent societies




Phenomenological hermeneutics, cardinal epistemologies, evanescent societies, epistemic hospitality, pedagogical hospitality


This article presents a thematic itinerary, analyzing, in the first instance, the characteristics and nature of the graft of hermeneutics on phenomenology in the thought of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. It is an interweaving of subjective hermeneutics with a phenomenology of the self. Subsequently, as mentioned above, the analysis moves from the graft to constructing an interpretation of the world of life and social reality towards a plural epistemology, which requires emptying the self into another. The Other appears as strange and foreign in social interaction. Such displacement requires the orientation of a visée éthique (Ricoeur, 1990a), capable of engaging subjects with the narrative construction of their existences, creating a narrative identity and responding to the actions of the subject who constructs his or her story.

In addition, the ethical purpose must lead the subjects involved to inhabit an ethical pluralism, which, through dialogicity, can make social subjects appear as agents endowed with rights, concerns (concerns) and duties in social interaction.

Subsequently, we present a comprehensive overview of the evolution of epistemologies. These are broadly categorized into terrestrial societies and cardinal epistemologies, liquid societies or epistemologies of deconstruction, and evanescent societies or epistemologies of loss and social innovation. 

The nature of evanescent societies is characterized by loss of identity and access to universal rights, which leads to exclusion, vulnerability, and social pathologies. Equally, they lead to the emergence of new identities and innovative ways of presence in the ethical-political and socio-cultural spheres.

Before the conclusions that close this work, we affirmed the need for epistemic hospitality and an ethics of hospitality, allowing hospital pedagogies to emerge. We favor both the exercise of the hermeneutics of the self and the phenomenology of the self, as well as the aspiration of subjects to a dignified life, counting on mutual social recognition and developing existence in just and democratic institutions.


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How to Cite

Correa-Arias, C. (2024). Phenomenological hermeneutics as a bridge for the development of pedagogical hospitality in evanescent societies. Nuevo Itinerario, 20(1).


