Around the “Image” in Paul Ricoeur: Verbal and Non-verbal Aspects. From the Metaphorical Statement to the Discursive Work
metaphorical iconicity, narrative iconicity, pictorial iconicity, catharsis, affectivityAbstract
In La métaphore vive, Paul Ricoeur addresses the iconicity of the metaphorical trope by working, on the one hand, on the verbal or semantic aspect of the “image” arising from the metaphorical statement and, on the other hand, on its non-verbal aspect, its sensitive side. Our intention, on the one hand, is to inscribe Ricoeur's theory of metaphor in the “pictorial turn” that took place in the mid-1990s. The first hypothesis is that the iconicity of the metaphorical trope, as Ricoeur works it, crosses the tripartite stage formed by the semiotic, phenomenological-hermeneutic and anthropological currents in which the “pictorial turn” trifurcates. We also think that this triple inscription of iconicity linked to metaphorical theory goes beyond the level of the utterance towards the transphrastic order that opens up the discursive work tackled by our author in Temps et récit. Again under the Aristotelian gesture, the second hypothesis is that catharsis, together with the moral instruction it produces, translates into an increase in our legibility of the world that produces a cognitive as well as an affective transposition. Before closing this paper, and leaving open a couple of questions as a kind of opening for further research, we will try to situate the conclusions in the framework of the dualisms revisited, this time, by the ‘affective turn’, also born in the mid-1990s.
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