Governmentality and Human Capital
neoliberalism, governmentality, human capital, biopolitics, FoucaultAbstract
Michel Foucault's history of governmentality has allowed us to recognize various forms of articulation of government through freedom and freedom as an object of government in liberal and neoliberal political rationalities. In this framework, he addresses the importance of the theory of human capital, since it introduces economic analysis into a hitherto unexplored domain, and allows us to reinterpret in economic terms an entire domain that had been considered non-economic. To a large extent, this revolves around the analysis of human labor in a neoliberal key. The ways in which our present articulates the government of conduct under the reduction of education and development to the form of human capital, incite a genealogical tracing of the origin of the question. With this purpose, we will highlight the ways in which the notion of human capital emerges in the different rationalities of government that unfold between the end of the 19th and 20th centuries. We will focus on the reception of the issue of investment in human capital in Argentina, highlighting its expression in the social medicine forged by Ramón Carrillo, in order to point out its particularities. We seek to contribute to the problematization of the notions from which we intend to govern our behavior, as part of a critical diagnosis of the present.
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