Land occupation conflicts and corporate strategies in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR): a reconsideration of categories of analysis.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), territory, social spaceAbstract
This paper will analyze some CSR practices aimed at reducing land occupation conflicts between the private sector and the community, in order to reveal the multiple investment strategies developed during a certain historical period. It will begin with the characterization of a housing program developed within the framework of the CSR programs of a multinational cement company. The literature on CSR, related to management studies, does not recognize the environmental and urban aspects of social conflicts where business activity is carried out. On the contrary, the ethical and philanthropic dimensions of their activity are directed toward a unilaterally chosen public. It is therefore hypothesized that the recognition of the conflictive character of the company as a local actor in the allocation of land uses is replaced by a policy aimed at influencing the management of local conflict without necessarily mitigating the impacts produced by their business activitiesDownloads
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