Hábitat as a field of conflict: collective agencies in the face of a system of multiple dominations: the case of the mothers’ group of the Ituzaingo Neighborhood Annex, Córdoba, Argentina (2002-2017)
Habitat, Dissident Dwelling, Collective Agency, CityAbstract
This paper aims to review the broad notion of habitat with the contributions of inhabiting, understood from the perspective of Deleuze and Guattari, in the production of subjectivity. This process allows for the observation of how, in daily life, subjects generate dissident practices or collective assemblies in opposition to the determinations of the Multiple Domination System, understood as a historical and current model which understands the city as a machine that produces subjectivity, threatening the singularities of the subjects which produce creativity. This paper deals with the experience of the Group of Mothers from Ituzaingó Anexo’s neighborhood, who claim the rights to life, understanding their collective agency capacity as a dissident inhabitiation. Their actions call into question the hegemonic ways of constructing habitat, where the built environment becomes a contributory code to interpret a complex and integral perspective of this habitat as a field of social disputeDownloads
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