Issues and Strategies Used for Projects and their Management in Historic Centers of Italy, Spain and Latin Amertica


  • Alejandra González Biffis
  • Juan Carlos Etulain



Historical centers, Sustainable Urbanism, Problems, Intervention and management strategies, Integral Experiences


The subject of this paper emerges from a research project related to development actions aimed at the recovery of Historical Town Centers. From the 1970’s to the present these activities cquired significant relevance, and their reactivation means new challenges, perspectives and operational means of action. In this sense, this paper proposes to review the operation and management strategies developed through the Projects that have been implemented in these historic areas of large and intermediate cities of Italy, Spain and Latin America, during the study period mentioned. The analytical emphasis is on the Historic Centers’ problems that have driven these Projects, the similarities and differences of these Centers, and the strategies and operational tools of action and management used. The overall experiences, and the links and influences between them are highlighted. The methodology used is descriptive and classificatory, based on the identification of cases


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