Technology as territory of the co-construction of knowledge in the field of habitat


  • Paula Peyloubet



Technology, epistemology, co-construction of knowledge


The article presents an introduction that installs two axes, the epistemic provocation and the triadic concept of technology. The first section, theoretical basis, invites precursor authors of the production of collective knowledge, who, challenging the conventions of the scientific method, put in epistemic range the knowledge of common sense. This part supports two technological dimensions: democratic and collaborative. The second section, an empirical basis, shares a technological experience within the framework of a democratic and collective process that turned out to be a shared lesson that fed the theory. The third section, methodological basis, elevates the conversation to the status of an instrument of action, as a cognitive bridge, to promote the co-construction of knowledge. Finally, some non-final conclusions reflect on a series of criteria that illuminate actions towards the co-construction of knowledge in a territory crossed by technology


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