Visibilities and invisibilities of risk. The approaches of the graphic media in the flood of april 2013 in gran la Plata
Flood, invisibility, graphic mediaAbstract
The extraordinary nature and magnitude of the flood of April 2, 2013 in La Plata, has led to a greater circulation of information about the floods centered in this city. However, the effects of the episode have been made invisible on the coastal municipalities bordering —Berisso and Ensenada—, which have certainly suffered the consequences of the overflow of the water courses that cross their urban core in the direction of their river mouth in the Rio de La Plata.
The main objective of the article is to establish a confrontation of newspaper articles that addressed the event in the three parties of the micro-region during the week after it.The methodological framework is based on the qualitative analysis with the incorporation of quantitative data, through the processing information in tables to quantify and weigh the record, to obtain as a main result, the various approaches made by graphic media about this event.
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