Public policies and citizen participation. Analysis of three state programs implemented in a popular neighborhood of Mar del Plata (2018-2020)
Popular habitat, public policies, co-management, citizen participationAbstract
This paper presents the results of the analysis of three state programs implemented in a sprawling poor neighborhood in Mar del Plata city. It arises in the context of broader research on social technologies and popular habitat in highly excluded territories, where the research group actively participates in the processes it studies. Three axes are linked: the analysis of public policies, alternative management and popular urbanization with the aim of investigating the different forms of management of each experience. For this purpose, the different actors involved, their interactions and the ways of linking with civil society are characterized. Reflecting on this issue contributes to thinking about socio-urban integration policies in contexts of poverty with greater anchorage in local territorialities. The techniques and methods used for work in the territory are based on the identification of problematic situations and alliances between social actors to co-construct problem-solution strategies.
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