The microclimate of the environment in residential thermo-energetic performance within gran corrientes, argentina. the mitigating effect of the native forest
urbanizations, vegetation, energy resourcesAbstract
The influence of the microclimate of the physical environment on residential thermo-energetic performance is evaluated. Three nearby environments are considered in Grran Corrientes: densified urban, cleared suburban, and suburban with native forest. Temperature and Relative Humidity data are recorded by external sensors during the hottest 2022 summer period. For these three environments, the thermo-energetic performance of a house is simulated by EnergyPlus, keeping unchanged: its morphology/orientation, construction technology, use factor and air conditioning system. The results show a higher energy consumption with a higher percentage of residential hygro-thermal discomfort in a densified urban environment, followed by the cleared suburban, revealing better conditions in the presence of native vegetation. The mitigating effect of the vegetation on the microclimate of the physical environment is evident, which has a positive impact on the thermo-energetic performance of the house. The need to conserve the native forest in the design of new developments is pointed out.
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