News on mobile. The sinuous relationship of young people with information




News on mobile, The sinuous relationship of young people with information


The majority of young people consider that they have “addictive” use of their cellphones: there they play, browse the internet, and social networks, buy, sell, play, interact and getin formed. Young people –whom we place forth is study in the 18 to 29 year old segment- are the object of desire of the entertainment, communication and information industries. But their behavior issinuos and suspicious: they distrust the news; they do not go out in search of them, but rather they “find” them in their browsing and a significant percentage avoids them, because they consider them negative.

In this article we analyze the behavior of young people in their relationship with they news and on their preferred device: the mobile phone. We survey the latest publications on the subject and share the results of our own measurement of information consumptionpractices in the Alto Valle of Río Negro and Neuquén, form march-april 2023.



How to Cite

Bergero, F., & Schleifer, P. (2024). News on mobile. The sinuous relationship of young people with information. De Prácticas Y Discursos, 13(21).



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