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Cinética de consumo de sustratos orgánicos de bacterias aisladas de la Laguna de Chascomus


  • María C. Romero
  • Aldo A. Mariazzi Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl Á. Ringuelet"



Eight bacterial strains were isolated from Chascomús Pond (Buenos Aires Province) and their capacity to growth at low concentrations of glycolate and glucose, as a solé source of organic carbón was evaluated.
Substrate affinities (Kt valúes) and other kinetic parameters were measured by Wright & Hobbie methodology with 14C-labelled glycollate and MC-labelled glucose as substrates. Four o f the eight puré culture studied followed Michaelis-Menten uptake
kinetics giving good straight lines after the Lineweaver-Burke transfonnation.
Vmax valúes o f natural popuiations and the experimental ones were similar for glycollate; for glucose the experimental valúes were a little higher. This suggest the possibility o f applying the experimental Kt valúes to natural popuiations as a way of evaluation o f the natural substrate concentration.


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Cómo citar

Romero, M. C., & Mariazzi, A. A. (2023). Cinética de consumo de sustratos orgánicos de bacterias aisladas de la Laguna de Chascomus. Ecosur, 16(27), 31–43.


