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Practical and Theoretical implications of perch use for avian predators on rodent populations


  • María I. Bellocq University of Toronto
  • Fernando O. Kravetz Universidad de Buenos Aires



We hypothesized that the vertical structure of the habitat is a determining feature of avian predation intensity on rodents, other habitat conditions being equal.
Two trap grids for rodents were set up in a field with com stubble at two times, before and after setting up perches in the experimental plot; one of the trap grids served as a control. There was no significant difference in captures between control and experimental grids before setting up perches (control validation). However, more rodents were captured in the control than in the experimental plot after the treatment. Predation lowered rodent density by roughly 40%. Calomys laucha was the affected species. Differential predation was not observed according to size or sex. We conclude that habitat vertical structure causes significant changes in rodent abundance, and it should be considered in rodent control and raptor management.


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Cómo citar

Bellocq, M. I., & Kravetz, F. O. (2023). Practical and Theoretical implications of perch use for avian predators on rodent populations. Ecosur, 16(27), 61–67.


