Contribution of physical geography to the knowledge of karst systems for the development of geotourism and speleotourism
Geoturism, Speleotourism, Karst systems, Tourism developmentAbstract
Karst systems are unique formations resulting from the
dissolution of carbonate rocks. In the broad field of geographical studies, physical geography emerges as an integral discipline encompassing geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, and biogeography. This research explores how physical geography can contribute to a comprehensive understanding of karst systems in Argentina, aiming to develop geotourism proposals linked to speleotourism. To achieve this, a qualitative exploratory descriptive investigation was conducted through documentary analysis. Identified karst systems were georeferenced on a map of Argentina using geographic information systems, and subsequently, the information was organized into a synthesis matrix with one case selected for detailed analysis. A total of 11 karst systems were identified in Argentina, with 10 located in the Argentine Arid Diagonal, a region characterized by low precipitation levels and soils with poor water retention and high salinity. Only four of these systems have undergone comprehensive studies covering all four dimensions of physical geography. As a result of this study, it is concluded that the planning of geotourism and speleotourism should focus on sustainable conservation, environmental education, and proper management of tourist carrying capacity, presenting these ecosystems as fragile and complex systemic units for their better appreciation and preservation.
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