Social dynamics and sustainable management in the Partido del Pilar, metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina




Territorial planning, Associated management, Sustainability


The purpose of this research is to establish the correspondence between environmental agendas and management plans and social dynamics in the Partido del Pilar, Province of Buenos Aires, to understand the factors that generate the disconnection between the social, cultural, economic and ecological dynamics of the communities with development planning and environmental management processes.

For the concretion of the same, the actions and diagnoses on the situation of environmental management plans were examined, the levels of articulation between the local development planning processes and the environmental management plans were identified, through the review of the criteria, principles and orientation and evaluation of the agendas and territorial environmental action plans, this was specified through a documentary analysis: review of environmental and development plans in the period 2018-2021, review and historical analysis of social and environmental organizations period 2001- 2021, and in-depth interviews with public officials, social and environmental leaders.

As a conclusion of the investigation, it is evident that in the planning processes there is an absence of citizenship in relation to access to information, participation and decision regarding the vision and management of development. The public agenda has been carried out from the hierarchical levels of power and control of the territory, through agreements in groups of political and economic elite, configuring an unsustainable territory.


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How to Cite

Ayala, M. F., & González Escobar, C. H. (2024). Social dynamics and sustainable management in the Partido del Pilar, metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Geográfica Digital, 21(41), 25–39.


