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Characterization of Quitilipi’s forest-based chain in Chaco, Argentina


  • José Fabián Cardozo Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE). Facultad de humanidades



Forest-based chain, Quitilipi, wood doors and windows+


The forest-based chain in Quitilipi, Chaco Province, in Argentina, involves not only a large number of social participants but it also links economic, physical-natural and environmental aspects. These features give a certain complexity and particularity to its productive profile. For this reason, this study aims to become a fresh approach to the issue. The said study focused on the characterization of the forest-based chain in Quitilipi, by collating visions, conceptions and interests of the different participants involved in each stage. The underlying premise is that the wood-processing industry is the most important activity in the city due to the number of participants involved and the economic revenue it yields. The methodology applied has a qualitative approach, which helped to show the current status of the topic through the comparison of the participants’ visions taken into consideration. To achieve this, it was necessary to carry out interviews with relevant analysis units within the forest-based chain, such as officers from various state agencies and producers related to primary exploitation, the industrialization of wood and the selling of manufactures. The results show that the forest-based chain in Quitilipi has an important presence in the city’s economy due to the number and diversity of participants involved both in a direct and indirect manner. In particular, the stage of industrialization of wood stands out as almost all of the raw material used in sawmills and carpentry shops is processed. This presents a piece of clear evidence on the industrial profile of Quitilipi within the forest-based chain. Quitilipi’s characteristic products are wood doors and windows, which means that the manufacturing of furniture, rural objects and construction components are relegated to the background. Algarrobo tree doors and windows, which are the main produced goods, are widely accepted nationally, especially in the provinces of Northwestern Argentina, due to the high quality exhibited by these products.


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2024-12-30 — Updated on 2024-12-30


How to Cite

Cardozo, J. F. (2024). Characterization of Quitilipi’s forest-based chain in Chaco, Argentina. Geográfica Digital, 21(42), 1–23.