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Transformations in land use and land cover: Analysis of deforestation in the Chaco Seco ecoregion, Argentina (1985-2022)


  • Eloy Montes Galbán Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu). Instituto de Investigaciones Geográficas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)



Changes in Land Use and Land Cover, deforestation, Geographic Information Systems, Dry Chaco ecoregion


This paper analyses changes in Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) in the Argentine Dry Chaco ecoregion between 1985 and 2022, focusing on the loss of natural woody vegetation due to deforestation, which is mainly generated by the advance of the agricultural frontier. From data provided by remote sensing and its subsequent geospatial analysis with Geographic Information Systems, annual rates of change, gains, losses, total changes, net changes, persistence and exchanges in LULC were calculated, as well as their respective cartographic representation. The results reveal that 21.82% (10,734,685.36 ha) of the study area experienced some type of change in LULC. A considerable deterioration was evident in the category of natural woody vegetation, with a loss in terms of net change of -14.77% (7,264,231.21 ha). This reduction is mainly associated with the expansion of agricultural activities in the region, where the crop and pasture categories showed the greatest gains in surface area, with 9.54% and 3.64% respectively. The analysis also identified two large areas with the greatest transitions in the LULC, an extensive strip in the northwest of the ecoregion, with a north-south orientation, and another in the center-east.


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How to Cite

Galbán, E. M. (2024). Transformations in land use and land cover: Analysis of deforestation in the Chaco Seco ecoregion, Argentina (1985-2022). Geográfica Digital, 21(42), 6–23.