The think, the simple live, the intersection. A poscolonial perspective
Epistemologic, Popular thinking, Modernity, Coloniality, GeocultureAbstract
The Latin-American intellectual critic tradition has considered the existence of a "thinking system", that has been reproduced from the Renaissance in the different imperial languages, and it took control of our knowledge, our perception of the time and the space, and the organization of our aesthetics representation. In an epistemology level it power was instituted through a lot of legitimated knowledge: a "world image" in the west ratio. One of the more important gnoseologic groups that articulate a critical perspective about this "thinking system", we find in the Liberation of Philosophy, and, specially in the Rodolfo Kusch thinking´s, who elaborate his argumentations trough an existencial interpretation about the indigenous culture.Downloads
How to Cite
Arrieta, J. (2021). The think, the simple live, the intersection. A poscolonial perspective. New Itinerary, 17(1), 1–31.
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