Appetite and Recognition in Chapter IV of the Phenomenology of Spirit


  • Milton Abellón Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Instituto Ezequiel de Olaso. Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas.



Appetite, Recognition, Life and death struggle, Enjoyment, Work


This paper proposes, through two specific theses, an alternative and midpoint reading between the two interpretative guidelines that Hegelforschung presents on appetite and recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit (Ch. IV). Our first thesis, in conformity with the first and against the second, is that recognition, in its concept and movement, is not the humanized spiritualization of appetite, but its cancellation. Our second thesis, in conformity with the second and in opposition to the first, is that the experience of the pure concept of recognizing involves some spiritualizations of appetite. On the one hand, we maintain that the life-and-death struggle presents in a way some parallel with the action of appetite, but because of its object and modality the struggle does not constitute an intersubjective mediation of appetite. On the other hand, we affirm that in the moment of domination and servitude two specific mediations of appetite are consummated: enjoyment and work.


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How to Cite

Abellón, M. (2022). Appetite and Recognition in Chapter IV of the Phenomenology of Spirit. Nuevo Itinerario, 18(2), 53–72.


