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The “pedagogical policy” of the historian and the limits of informal education


  • Esteban Lythgoe Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Instituto de Filosofía "Ezequiel de Olaso"



Abuse of memory, citizen, responsibility, configuration, recognition


In the present article we propose to include Memory, History, Forgetting as part of the legacy of Ricoeur's pedagogical policy, initiated with his articles in the journal Esprit. Our author self-perceived himself as a teacher and has several articles on formal education. What characterizes the approach of political pedagogy is that, following in the footsteps of Emmanuel Mounier, it is to take education out of the classroom into the streets. Our article will begin by highlighting the pedagogical component Memory, history, forgetting, pointing out the link between the analysis of memorization and education. We will then go into the abuses of natural memory and emphasize the historian's role in assisting citizens in the work of mourning and memory. The complement of the responsibility of the citizen, however, will impose a limit to the work of the historian, as well as highlight the importance of formal education for its constitution.


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How to Cite

Lythgoe, E. (2024). The “pedagogical policy” of the historian and the limits of informal education. New Itinerary, 20(1).




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