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Mass video surveillance with criminal profiling in real time through artificial intelligence algorithms as a tool for determining “dangerousness” in attention to ultra punitivist tendencies in criminal law




artificial intelligence, punitivism, criminal policy, dangerousness


In light of the advent of artificial intelligence technologies applied to mass surveillance, we analize the case of its deployment during the coronation of King Charles III of England, in attention to the detection of an advancement of punitive barriers which come about as oppressive, as it is evidenced by a wave of 52 arrests against detractors  to the british Crown, whose acts of protest
were criminalized during the deployment of said technology. It is a need of the present disquisition, to present the posture that the use of mass video surveillance with criminal profiling through artificial intelligence, is being
oriented towards reinforcing the dominance of ultra punitivism in criminal policy, being that its usage is, almost always, marked by the jostling of fundamental rights, with the objective of exercising the ius puniendi in an immoderate fashion and for determining “dangerousness” of the individuals in an arbitrary manner, making use of criteria that are heavily politicized and unpredictable which brushes with persecution. As a conclusion, we point to the necessity of asserting fundamental rights as a gauge for the adequate use of new technologies as tools for the attainment of “citizen security”.

Author Biography

Juan Manuel Rosas Caro, Universidad de San Martín de Porres. Facultad de Derecho

Estudiante de pregrado de Derecho en la Universidad de San Martín de Porres Miembro principal del Taller de Ciencias Penales de la Universidad Mayor de San Marcos


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How to Cite

Rosas Caro, J. M. (2024). Mass video surveillance with criminal profiling in real time through artificial intelligence algorithms as a tool for determining “dangerousness” in attention to ultra punitivist tendencies in criminal law. Research Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social and Political Sciences – UNNE, 3(1), 1–9.



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