Higher education in Argentina. Impact on the labor market and territorial asymmetries





Inequality, Higher education, Labor market, Scholarship, Regional asymmetries


This paper addresses the incidence of higher education in the Argentine labor market, and the recent evolution in access to this system considering asymmetries at the regional level. To do this, firstly, the main approaches that, from economics and sociology, have contributed to explain the reproduction of social and educational inequalities are examined. It then describes how access to higher levels of education has a positive impact on the quality of labor insertion, and reviews the recent evolution of access to the Argentine higher education system. Likewise, some responses are valued that from public policy contribute to making access to this educational level effective and reducing desertion, among which the economic support scholarship policies stand out.


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How to Cite

Alfaro, E. (2023). Higher education in Argentina. Impact on the labor market and territorial asymmetries. Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 30(1), 77–93. https://doi.org/10.30972/rfce.3016711



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