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The demand of premium and super refined petrol in Argentina: an analysis from the industrial organization




petrol, super, premium, demand, concentration


The work carries out an analysis of the liquid fuels market in Argentina in the period 2010-19, focusing on the demand for super and premium refined petrol. The objective is to analyze the determinants of prices and quantities by estimating equations using the cointegration methodology. On the price side, it was found that the main variable that affects gasoline prices is local inflation followed by the degree of market concentration. Regarding the quantities, the most important determinant is the vehicle fleet, which has grown strongly in two decades, going from 6.95 to 14.03 million units.


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How to Cite

Albornoz , M. (2023). The demand of premium and super refined petrol in Argentina: an analysis from the industrial organization. Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 31(2), 82–96.



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