Health, safety and wellbeing at work: the visual management trap in workplace accidents




lean management, visual management, occupational health, social organization of work


This article addresses the way in which Lean Management ideas have generated changes in the organization of work and led to the emergence of new control tools. Examining the functioning of these forms of management requires consideration of the technical and social dimensions of work insofar as their success can be explained by their reliance on people’s initiative, and from this characteristic derives their impact on labor welfare. For this explanatory purpose, we use a specific example, the safety cross, as a tool derived from Visual Management, widely used in the field of prevention and safety at work in industrial sectors. First, the tradition from which visual devices originate and their familiarity with occupational health and safety control is reviewed. Then, the theoretical explanations available for the effect of the safety cross are considered, including psychological variables and social norms. Finally, we discuss the relevance of conceptually broadening the vision of psychosocial risks of work and occupational health towards a view that can address the paradoxes that derive from these management tools that we are confronted with in our daily work experience, and their consequences in terms of work-related discomfort and suffering. 

Author Biographies

Magdalena Garcés Ojeda, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Doctora en psicología e investigadora adjunta Universidad Diego Portales (UDP), Chile. Académica
Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH), Chile.

Fernando Contreras Muñoz, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Magister en Sociología, Universidad Autónoma Barcelona (UAB), España.


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How to Cite

Garcés Ojeda, M., & Contreras Muñoz, F. (2023). Health, safety and wellbeing at work: the visual management trap in workplace accidents. Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 31(2), 200–217.


